Author: Jeremy
Teaching kids the value of money (as an entrepreneur)
When I teach my kids, ages 4 and 6, about money, I break it down into four main steps: Getting used to being told “No” (but ask anyway) I encourage my kids to ask me for anything they want to buy, but I also remind them to expect that I will likely say “No.” Asking…
Ask for Help
Most people do not know the transformative power of asking for help. No one has ever rejected me especially when I was younger when I asked for advice, or concrete help to move on with my next learning journey. If I were to posit a reason, it might be due to our academic system, where…
Rationality towards Money Management
Despite having over a decade of experience in business, I still find myself navigating the complexities of cash flow and the psychology surrounding money. The challenge lies in balancing rational financial decisions with the instinctual desire for security. For example, it is rationally different to splurge your money on inessential products, or to invest it…
Insights from Navigating TADM and ECT: Lessons Learned
No person will be mentioned specifically, and names will not be released. For those unfamiliar with the intricacies of employment dispute management in Singapore, let me shed some light on the process. TADM stands for the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management, and ECT refers to the Employment Claims Tribunal. While TADM and ECT are connected…
Going from Special Stream to Polytechnic (2004)
I first encountered “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” at the age of 14. Back then, I was impressionable and took its advice to heart, particularly its concepts on cash flow, assets versus liabilities, and the mindset of business owners. Luckily, I didn’t have the cash to dive into leverage at that time, which in hindsight, was…